Kushmanda is large annual or biennial tendril climber. Its Leaves are simple, alternate, large, with numerous hairs, flowers are yellow large and unisexual, fruits are cylindrical, hairy, and covered with ashy powder throughout.
Fruits contain numerous white colored embedded seeds. It is cultivated in tropical & subtropical parts of India .It is named as Kohala in Marathi,Ash Gourd in English, petha in Hindi.
Kushmanda is useful for medicinal as well as domestic uses. It mainly acts as a body coolant and reduces body heat. Its Fruit helps in cystitis, urinary tract infections, kidney stones and other urinary tract conditions since acts as diuretic
Digestive system gets strengthened by regular consumption of this fruit and reduces acidity. This helps to normalize digestion and prevent indigestion.
Its pulp can be applied on burns & skin rashes, reduces burning sensation and irritation caused by dry skin. The seeds help to reduce internal heat of the body in summer & is found very effective on intestinal parasites.
It normalizes sleeping pattern and is very helpful in patients with insomnia .If taken in morning, increases memory power and acts as a Brain Tonic.
The pulp of the matured fruit helps to increase quality and quantity of semen. Hence it is used in Vajikarana preparations. The herbal preparations of this fruit helps to increase the body energy level and strength.
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