It is common for many of us to face a burning sensation in stomach and chest at times. This is in most cases due to excessive secretion of acidic material in the stomach. This in medical terms referred as acidity or gastritis. In Ayurvedic terminology, this is referred as amlapitta, amla means the super sour taste and Pitta is the Dosha. This means there is excessive secretion of Pitta Dosha (one of the three doshas) in the stomach.
Amlapitta process:
When the Pitta Dosha is disturbed from its normal state by taking viruddha bhojan (incompatible food), vikrita bhojan (stale food), ati amla (too much sour, spicy food), vidahi (decayed) and other food that is harmful to pitta dosha like fried, fermented food, smoking, alcohol etc, then the aggravated Pitta Dosha takes seat in stomach and produces Amlapitta or hyperacidity.
- Eating of spicy and highly seasoned food like chilly, pickles, etc.
- Prolonged ingestion of aspirin or some anti-inflammatory drugs
- Prolonged alcohol , tea , coffee ingestion
- Heavy smoking
- Stress & anxiety
- Excessive intake of hot drinks
- Irregular habit & time of diet
- Nausea, vomiting, and loss of desire to eat which may persist for 1-2 days
- Heartburn or sour belching
- A sense of abdominal distension
- Flatulence
- Vomiting of blood or blood in stools
- If gastritis persists there may be eventual development of anemia
As per modern sciences these symptoms can be correlated with different conditions or their aggregate like Acid Peptic disorder (Urdhwaga Amlapitta & Kaphaj Amlapitta), Peptic ulcer (urdhwag Grahani/Amlapitta), duedenal ulcer (adhog grahani/Amlapitta), Reflux Oesophagitis (Urdhwaga Amlapitta) Crohn’s Disease, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, etc.
- Gastric ulcer
- Peptic ulcer
- Gastritis ( chronic)
- Chronic Anaemia
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